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As a business coach and professor, I have had the opportunity to work with thousands of students over the years as they launch their dream of a for-profit or nonprofit business. I write about current trends, hot topics, and do’s/don’ts in your organization.

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Your Business Professor Without Attending Class

February 16, 2022

The fire extinguisher was ready

by Dr. Cindy Briggs Last week when my husband texted me to let me know he was on his way home from work, I replied with, “we are all ok but we had a small fire.” That probably wasn’t the thing to share at that moment….but that is for another blog post at another time! […]

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Do you have a business idea, but you want to ensure your business makes a difference within the community. Do you believe that social entrepreneurship sounds like something you want to do with your business? This guide will help you develop the WHY behind your business, and then using it to serve.

6 Steps to Start Your Business Today

better than free lemonade

Thriving as an Entrepreneur!

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