by Dr. Cindy Briggs
You know that dream you have had— that whisper that tells you to start your own business? Maybe it started when you opened your first lemonade stand, or sold your first box of cookies. You have the drive to ben an entrepreneur…but… something keeps hold you back?
Every entrepreneur has felt this way at some point in their journey. They think it is crazy and they just shouldn’t move forward. I HAVE THOUGHT THIS MORE THAN ONCE! I think there are times that my past will get in my way, or that my fear will win. Whatever the thought has been… I have had to find a way to overcome these obstacles.
As a business coach, I often hear people tell me the obstacles to their dream before they have fully fleshed out the dream. That is what got me thinking I need to create a mini-course on overcoming these obstacles. You can learn more about the course below, but let’s discuss just a couple of obstacles that might get in our way.

- Skills— you know what… you can learn skills. You can also hire skills. If you have the dream and the passion, you can fill in the rest. Let me give you an example: I knew I wanted to have more of an online presence with my business, but I do not have the skills to develop websites. I knew I needed to hire someone, and that allowed me to overcome that particular obstacle. Don’t think of why you CAN’T do it– think of how you CAN DO IT.
- Money– we all think there needs to be a large bank account balance to start an entrepreneurial endeavor and that isn’t true. You can start businesses on shoestring budgets. You can find investors. You can find ways to save. Don’t let money be an obstacle to getting started.
- Confidence- I think this is probably one of the biggest obstacles people face. They believe they can’t make this happen for various reasons. I want you to find ONE person in your life… right now… who will speak life into you. Find the one person who will champion your dream with you. If you don’t have that person– send me a note through my website— I will be that person for you!
The moral of this story is this— don’t let the obstacles and road blocks stop you. You have this dream for a reason… and only YOU can decide to move forward on it.
As I said earlier, I developed a mini-course to help people overcome obstacles to make their dream a reality. Do I promise a quick fix? No. Does it happen without some work on your part? No. However, we can work together to at least break you through the immediate obstacles which are stopping you.
If you are ready to sign up for the course now, you can click here: REGISTER FOR OVERCOMING OBSTACLES COURSE
To learn more about the course, or other programs we offer, you can contact us a There you can also register for the courses.