by Dr. Cindy Briggs
I think we can all agree that we are living in unprecedented times. This post is not going to get into any debates on masks, or anything associated with the current pandemic. We can debate the politics, the decisions, etc. That is not going to do any of us any good. What I am going to address is my field of expertise…starting a business/ nonprofit.

I have been getting more and more calls from people who are really investigating the road to be an entrepreneur. They are determined to no longer work for someone else– and that is great! Small businesses can absolutely thrive right now (my husband and I started a business smack dab in the pandemic and it has been extremely successful).
I am going to start by saying– you can absolutely DO THIS!
In the next couple of weeks, I will be launching several new self-study courses you can do online. These will cover everything from starting a business in your particular state, what are the key things you need to start your business, writing a business plan, and more. But let me share in the post a few things to think about before jumping into being an entrepreneur (or before actually quitting that job 😉
Starting a business does not have to be scary. It is about taking something you are already passionate about–and turning it into something that can bring you income.
Initial thoughts….
- Passion— what is something you are passionate about right now? Baking cookies? Helping place animals? Gardening? Teaching? Painting? Whatever you right now think might be a hobby— let’s think how that could be make into a job/business.
- Skills— what skills do you have (and everyone has skills!) Are you a great shopper? Do you know Excel really well? Are you super good at organizing? Your skills may seem like “not a big deal” to you–but to someone they are amazed at what you can do. Every time I see one of my good friends decorate cookies.. I am blown away (because I don’t have that skills– and I will absolutely pay her to do it)
- Opportunity— what does your life look like now? What could it look like? Are you working 9-5 but would love more hours working from home? Are you at home and think I want to be “out there” more? Just look at your current time and what your dream schedule would look like and would work.
- Support system— do you have people around you to cheer you on? This could be a spouse, a friend, a neighbor, a customer…anyone who can keep you going even when things get tough.
- Belief in YOURSELF— you can do this. You have to believe it.
Let me also share a real life story/ example with you. I am changing the name to protect privacy of my clients.

January 2021.
Julie was working a 9-5 job but really wanted to be home with her young children more. She had a bachelor’s degree and was in a job that was just a “job”. She didn’t love it. She wasn’t passionate about it. When I started talking with Julie, I learned she was really excellent at organizing and she liked working on the computer. I remember it perfectly when she said, “yea, those are not a big deal…everyone can do that.” As we dug deeper, we started to see the ideas for a business— Julie was going to venture out to be a virtual assistant. She reached out to a couple of people she knew who were running online businesses, and they both hired her immediately. Within 30 days, she had enough business (and a waiting list) to quit the 9-5 job. She set her own hours around her kids schedule, and she is now a successful business owner.
Julie took her passion and her skills and merged them into a business.
At this point you may be thinking, great Cindy– you are just doing a sales pitch for your classes and coaching, and while it may seem like that– that is not my heart. My heart is this– Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams of starting a business.
Maybe right now it seems like that would be crazy–but if not now… when? You can always find reasons to NOT start, but let’s find reasons TO start.

Don’t let anyone tell you what you CAN and CAN’T do. The great thing about America is our freedom to choose our career, our path, and our journey. This can be the start of your story.
You can learn more about us at Here is where you can find additional articles, podcasts, and courses.
(c) 2021