by Dr. Cindy Briggs
You know those people…the ones that you truly would follow into battle. They are inspiring, wise, and effective. You just want to be around them whether at work or in your personal life. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing leaders. A local politician, my dissertation advisor, and the president of a university. These individuals made me want to do better….they made me want to make a difference.
There are few things more important to effective leadership than the ability to inspire.

While there are plenty of bosses out there worthy of admiration, there are only a handful of leaders who can drive energy and passion from the people around them.
Coupled with a strong vision, a commitment to integrity, and a powerful set of morals, inspiring leaders have the power to change the world. You just need to look at innovators like Michelle Obama, Elon Musk and Richard Branson to see this for yourself.
Harvard Business School also discovered that the ability to inspire is the factor that creates the highest levels of employee commitment and engagement. Elsewhere, additional research found that inspired employees are twice as productive as their satisfied counterparts, driving 59% less turnover, 21% better productivity, and a 41% drop in absenteeism.
So, what makes a leader inspiring?
I know for me the TOP quality of an inspiring leader is their authenticity. They are the same person— personal and business, crisis and calm, success or failure– you can trust their character because they don’t change on a dime.
I recently wrote an article called the Top 5 Characteristics of Inspiring Leaders.
This is a FREE DOWNLOAD. You can click on the picture below and it will take you to get the article.
Understanding leadership is an important topic. There is always the argument of leadership can’t be taught– but I disagree. I think if you are willing to do the research and apply the key principles– you can be a great leader.
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